Mein ausgewähltes Modell ist dieses Kleid aus der Juli-Burda vom vergangenen Jahr. Ich hinke immer etwas hinterher, sooo schnell nähe ich nicht...

Jetzt hoffe ich auf ein wenig Nähzeit am kommenden verlängerten Wochenende...
Tanzt schön in den Mai, ich mach´s auch!
I am back in the sewing-saddle. My current project is an easy breezy silk dress in pastel colours. I am going to sew the tunic dress from the BWOF issue July 2008. I know, almost one year later but I am not that quick in sewing.
I bought this silk satin last year at Sabine´s online shop Exclusive -Stoffe. It is an original designer fabric ( Mi****i). When it arrived at my place I was a little bit hm - let´s say shocked - about the very brilliant print. I expected the colours more dusty. But, I will give it a try and will see how it turns out.
Now I desparately hope for some free sewing time during the 1st of May weekend.
Have a nice start into May, I am sure that I will have one ( we have a dance-into-May prom tonight :))